Monday, September 29, 2008


Pillowcase for my cousin Sarah-

Kitchen towel for Sarah- yes, is supposed to look homemade with the embroidered quote-

Blueberry towel for Lynn.

I am working on my Christmas gifts and other gifts. Don't be surprised if you get something made especially by ME!

Monday, September 15, 2008

Cheese and Cookies

These are the duck cookies that I made for Nina's class for her "unbirthday" celebration. The girls helped me make the cookie dough and cut out the ducks. I decorated them after the girls went to bed. I admit, I had a great time making them. I just can't help myself.

I love these dresses on them. I got them for $6.o0 at the outlet mall. I love a good deal! Don't their feet look so big in those shoes!

Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Thank you God!

Walking down the beach.....

I am feeling very blessed today. I was at work and I got to hear live praise music as I was working on my projects. No, really- guitar and singing on microphones. They were practicing for chapel. I was in heaven. It just doesn't get any better-as I look out my window and see land and trees (and a man wiping the sweat from his face with his shirt-and he was no Brad Pitt-but he was laying the pavers and a girl can't have EVERYTHING.)

Friday, September 5, 2008

First Week Fashion

The first week of school! We got to wear our new school clothes- we have a generous GG! The first day of school in our pink ensemble...
Our black and white dress...oh to be so petite! (She makes such lovely faces-like her Mommy!)

And Friday fun...(and Mommy- do you really need to take a picture of us today?)

We learned....
Nina really does still need a nap at 4 years old!
Betsy does not miss her mommy at all.
Betsy played with Ricky- and "Mommy, he's a boy."
Nina is getting better at playing on the monkey bars- because "I am big."

Monday, September 1, 2008

Cute dress....