Monday, January 28, 2008

The Bloggies

There are awards for the best blogs on the web. You can go and vote for your favorites. I don't visit numerous blogs but I do have a favorite few. One of them is nominated- Angry Chicken. It is in the Art/Craft category. You should check it out.

Here is the bloggies link

I found another cool blog that you should check out:
They actually tour homes and you can see how people decorate. I love it!

Happy Blogging!

Friday, January 25, 2008

I live in a land of princesses!

Princess Little Red

Snow White

Thursday, January 24, 2008

Obsession with Chickens

Lately it seems we are obsessed with chickens at our house. We now have a collection of these chickens: Poultry in Motion by artist Sharon Neuhaus-You can check more of them out here:

My mother started the collection so I can blame it on her. Now we have six of these chickens displayed. They are colorful, quirky and yes, chickens.

Then, I took the girls to the library and we found this book about chickens:
The book is beautifully illustrated and very funny. Chick it out- I mean check it out.
I can't help but love chickens since I am from the Chicken Capital of the World- Gainesville, Georgia!

Wednesday, January 23, 2008


Check out this website: It can be addictive so watch out!

Monday, January 21, 2008

Dolls and Embroidery

Here are pictures of my unfinished doll. She is the Ruby doll. You can download the free pattern from I love her website and the dolls that she makes. This is the first doll that I have ever attempted. I will finish her tonight and post a picture of her finished. I think that it will be a gift for Betsy's birthday. I love the doll's little sweet face!

I also have decided to try my hand at embroidery. I am going to make sachets with a monogram on one side. I got a couple of books from the library that helped me with the stitches. The design is all mine. I am proud of it for my first time since I was a little girl and I worked on a sampler. I am so fortunate to have had a mother that passed on her love of sewing in all forms! She even made me a coat when I was a little girl!

Wednesday, January 16, 2008

It's Chili Ya'll

I thought that I would share a recent recipe that I made from Everyday Food. It is Lighter Beef Chili. It is simple yet flavorful. My husband and I really like it. It has been added to our family rotation.

Here is the link:


Choose Christ Choose Joy

Romans 10:9 (NIV) That if you confess with your mouth, "Jesus is Lord," and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved.

You can have all the wonderful material things in the world, but if you don't have Christ in your life, you will be empty. No new car, pair of designer shoes, or diamond earrings, can compare with the lasting joy that comes with a personal relationship with Jesus Christ.

Tuesday, January 8, 2008

Work on Me!

I hate to make resolutions because I don't keep them. However, here is a list of things that I am going to make a real attempt to work on this year. I guess if I publish them, I might work more diligently at them.

1. More time with God- I am going to spend more time praying and spending time with God. I have several books and devotionals to build my relationship with my Lord.

2. Less consumption of goods- I am going to accomplish this by making FEWER trips to Target. When I do visit Target, it will be with a list in hand and I will stick to the list. I am going to sew with the fabric that I have on hand as much as possible and make gifts instead of purchasing them. This is with the exception of books. I love to buy books as presents! I am going to continue to use the library for many of our books.

3. Healthy food for the family- I am going to plan and cook healthy meals and snacks for my family. I have several books and the internet to help me accomplish this task. We don't eat out much as it is but we will eat out even less!

3. Run, run, run- I love to run. I am going to run more frequently and farther.

4. Read- I am going to read at least a book a month.

5. Sew- I have a list of projects to sew for the year. I am going to sew every last one of them. I already know what I am going to sew my family and friends for next Christmas! Good for me!

New Year 2008

I am going to show my projects that I completed for Christmas. I don't have that many but I am happy with the ones that I completed. I am the type of person that gets really inspired, goes to sleep thinking about fabric and sewing, starts the project and then....yes, sputters out. You that know me, know this well. I have gotten better about this the older I get. I think I get better about committments with age.
Here we go:

This is the puppet theatre from Amy Karol's Bend the Rules Sewing. I love this book. My mom got it for me for my birthday-Thanks Mom! I have so many other projects that I would love to sew from this book. You should check it out. Amy Karol also has a blog- She is very inspirational. I actually saw the puppet theatre first on domesticali's blog- so I thank her for the first inspiration!

Now the placemats- Lee Anne-DON'T LOOK. I made them from Amy Butler's pattern. I love them and the picture doesn't do them justice but I will show them to you anyway.